Think you have what it takes?

Good. Self-confidence matters more than any actual experience.


That you’re the only one in the room who really gets it – especially if those other people in the room are teachers


That you, and only you, can fix American education, despite any and all evidence to the contrary


That a B-school degree and three years in the classroom taught you all you need to know about education


Are meaningless, unless they came from outside education – you know, from a real field, like business management or blockchain technology. Doctorates are technically required, but you’re welcome to pull a Deasy and purchase yours through favors.


Classroom Experience

Is strongly discouraged. But if you do decide to slum it, keep your time around the kids to 3 years or less. Any longer and it’s clear you don’t have the upward drive we seek.



With the rich and powerful are critical. After all, when’s the last time a working-class person had any good ideas? Also, you’ll need those connections come procurement season.


The Right Attitude

Is more important than any combination of experience or qualifications. If you don’t have at least a dozen LinkedIn posts about your personal hustle philosophy, you should probably give up and become a vice principal.


Still think you’re the right fit?

Of course you do – and that’s the kind of hard-headedness we admire.